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Amerail Systems

5 Ways to Keep Guests Happy During a Hotel Renovation

Hotel renovations are a part of every hotelier's journey whether it’s fulfilling a PIP, repairing EIFS, or just wanting to stay competitive. While they may seem like an inconvenience, hotel renovations & PIPs are meant to help by keeping your hotel competitive, increasing the property value, and most importantly for this guide - improving the guest experience.

As a hotel owner, manager, etc. you may worry about the impact renovations will have on your hotel operations. Wondering if you’ll be able to get heads in beds while also keeping those heads (guests) happy is a very normal concern but proper planning will provide you with ease of mind and make the renovation/PIP fulfillment process less stressful on you and your team.

This guide focuses on how to keep guests happy during a hotel renovation but you can ensure guest satisfaction before construction begins by choosing the right design-build contractor.

For that reason, our first point is why choosing the right design-build hotel renovation company can help keep hotel guests happy during a renovation.

1. Choosing the Right Design-Build Hotel Renovation Company

When renovating a hotel it’s vital to choose a hotel renovation company that is experienced in and specializes in hotel renovations. Because of the uniqueness of hospitality renovations, choosing an experienced hospitality contractor will make your job as a hotel owner, manager, etc., and your team's jobs much easier.

For example, at Amerail Systems, we have over 35 years of experience designing and renovating hotels nationwide. Because of this extensive experience, we understand the unique needs of hotel owners, managers, and everyone involved.

Our unique knowledge makes us able to provide cost-saving, value-engineered design solutions so you can achieve the best ROI. We’re also dedicated to keeping your hotel as operational as possible. Our team of expert communicators will work with hotel management to develop a renovation schedule that is the least interruptive to your guests.

Once you’ve secured the right design-build contractor for your hotel renovations it’s time to plan how you’ll keep your guests happy. Amerail Systems is here to help you with that as well.

Below are 4 more ways hoteliers can reduce complaints and keep guests happy during a hotel renovation.

Now for one of the easiest and best ways to reduce complaints…

2. Communication

Like most things in life, communication & transparency are the keys to success and understanding during hotel renovations.

Being transparent and informing guests about your renovation happenings before their stay will prevent them from being shocked and maybe displeased if they were to see debris or dust in areas being remodeled. Being transparent about construction may seem like a risky move but not informing your guests may lead to more complaints not only about the renovations but also because they were unaware of them.

When should you inform guests of your hotel renovations?

You can communicate with your guests about your property's renovations before they check-in, while they check-in, before they book with you, and you can and should communicate with them after they’ve checked out as well.

Here are some ways you can effectively communicate your renovations with your potential, current, and returning guests:

Email Guests About Renovations Before their Arrival & After their Stay

Suppose you’ve chosen Amerail Systems as your hotel renovator. In that case, you can take this opportunity to emphasize that you’re working with an experienced, guest-friendly contracting company and that a schedule has been arranged so guests are not disturbed.

This is also an opportunity to drum up excitement by including renderings of what your hotel will look like after it’s been remodeled and highlighting how they will improve their future experience at your hotel.

Make sure to include how much you value them as a guest and that they can come to you with any questions or concerns.

When guests check out you can send them an email thanking them for their stay and their patience with your renovations. As a bonus, you could invite them back to stay with you when your hotel is fully renovated and, if you’re able to, add a discount to encourage their booking.

Post on Social Media

A free and easy way to communicate with people is by utilizing social media.

If your hotel is able to take advantage of platforms like Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, or LinkedIn, it should.

These platforms give you the opportunity to easily share what’s going on at your hotel and keep potential guests up to date on your renovations.

Here are some ideas for renovation posts:

  • Before photos alongside renderings of your future look

  • How renovations will improve the guest stay

  • Timelines informing guests of when renovations will begin

  • Progress photos to promote the renovations

  • The finished results to encourage bookings

If you’re not sure where to start with social media see our Ultimate Hotel Social Media Guide.

Your Website

To be as transparent as possible with guests who want to stay at your hotel while it’s undergoing renovations, you can add a disclaimer to your website informing travelers of the renovations.

If this is something that is possible for you, make sure to add when the renovations will be happening and where.

3. Signage

Adding signage throughout your hotel regarding hotel renovations is a great way to show that you acknowledge that the remodel may be inconvenient for guests. It also helps ensure that guests are informed about the renovations and can be an opportunity to promote your hotel's future look.

Phrases like “Pardon our dust” and “We’re renovating your future stay” are great ways to let guests know what’s going on and why there may be some debris outside or why one hallway may look newer than another.

Signage can also be a great resource in promoting your renovations. Printing out renderings of what your hotel will look like once the remodel is completed and posting them in common areas can get guests excited to return and experience the new look.

Need ideas for “Pardon our Dust” signage? Check out our Extra Renovation Resources.

4. Discounts & Re-Openings

Our fourth way to keep guests happy during a hotel renovation is to offer them a discounted rate on their future stay when your renovations are complete. If you’re unable to do this, finding something else that’s comparable can also be beneficial.

For example, you could offer complimentary breakfast or offer a free room upgrade if available.

Another way to get guests excited about your remodel and encourage future stays is to invite them to a grand re-opening party once construction is completed. Even if your hotel remains operational during your renovations, you can still celebrate the completed remodel with a symbolic re-opening party.

The event can include a discounted rate, a tour of the renovated hotel including before photos, food & drinks, and even music if you’d like. This can be a great way to connect with guests and employees while celebrating your hotel's new look.

5. Plan Renovations Around your Busy Seasons

One of our biggest pieces of advice for hoteliers is to start planning your hotel renovations as soon as possible. Timelines are increasing due to due to staffing shortages and supply chain issues and the sooner you put your renovation in motion, the more likely it is to be completed on time and on budget.

Beginning the renovation process sooner rather than later also gives you enough time to think about when you want the physical remodel to happen. When planning for hotel construction, make sure to consider when your hotel is at its busiest, or if you have any events occurring. Working with a contractor experienced in hotel renovations will make it easier to schedule renovations around your busy season and events.

While interior renovations can be completed at any time of the year, exterior renovations typically must be completed in temperatures above 40 degrees Fahrenheit.

Because of this, it can be easier to schedule interior hotel renovations around your busy season and events while scheduling exterior renovations can be trickier. But if your hotel is located in a climate where it is above 40 degrees Fahrenheit for most of the year you should have no problem scheduling renovations around your busy season or events.

When you schedule renovations around times when your hotel may be the busiest or most sought-after for events, you prevent having too many people affected by the renovations occurring.

Contact Us today to get a head start on your hotel renovation.


Although it may not be possible to ensure that every guest remains perfectly happy during a renovation it is possible to ensure that you have done everything you can to make them happy.

We encourage you to use whichever methods are best for your hotel and even use this list as inspiration during your next PIP fulfillment, renovation, or repair.

Ready to take the first step? Learn more about our hotel renovation services here.


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